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* Osazeworld MTN Introduced Unlimited Daily Data Plan For Just N100

Globacom gained the highest number of internet users in September 2015 with over a million new internet users on its network and as a result of that, NCC Declares GLO As Best Network In New Internet Subscription, it seems MTN Nigeria are jealous this and want to start work toward winning the 2016 award In New Internet Subscription. MTN has decided to offer something interesting. For those who really want to download heavy files, movie lovers, games addicted, smartphone and system updating, apps, music, etc. MTN now secretly unleashed two different 24hrs unlimited data plan, one goes for N100 and the second one goes for N150, but I don’t no different between the two plans yet, because I haven’t give any of them trial.

If the plan works as expected, it should among of the best plan ever, but the worst part of it, not all MTN SIMs supported. It is for those who are eligible.

To Know If Your Sim is Eligible
For N100, dial *567*58# and reply with 1 to activate it if you are eligible.
For N150, dial *567*59# and reply with 1 to activate it if you are eligible.
I wish you the best of luck with your MTN Sim for this cheapest plan. Make sure you first of all dial the code before you load the money to know if your sim is eligible or not.
2016-03-20 10:17
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